In July, northern and central islands received up to 200 mm above average rainfall while southern islands received up to 100 mm below average rainfall. The amount of rainfall received by northern and central islands is the highest amount received in past six years in these regions. Since the last week of July a decrease in rainfall throughout the country was visible and the first week of August was mostly dry. Heavy rainfall was received by central islands in late August. During August, the sea and land temperatures remained warmer than climatological. The wind speeds were high due to the SW Monsoon.
---------------------------Inside this Issue------------------------
- Monthly Climatology
- Rainfall Monitoring
- Daily Satellite derived Rainfall Estimates
- Monthly Rainfall derived from Satellite Rainfall Estimate
- Monthly and Seasonal Monitoring
- Ocean Surface Monitoring
- Rainfall Predictions
- Weekly Predictions from NOAA/NCEP
- Seasonal Predictions from IRI