Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Can Maldives reefs recover from El Nino?

Original Article:Link
 by Hassan Moosa

The reef of Villingili Island, just a few minutes away from Malé, has suffered damage from reclamation, dredging and harbor construction. It took another hit this year when warmer ocean temperatures, caused by the El Nino, killed a majority of its coral. On a recent dive, I found a graveyard on the island’s reef slope. A slimy layer of brown green algae covered the dead corals, while the few that still held out were bleached white. Some had startling spots of purple and pink, indicating a former more colorful appearance.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Experimental Climate Monitoring and Prediction for Maldives – May 2016


Extraordinary Rainfall close to 60 mm/day was observed in and around the Maldives which caused flooding in many islands. The highest average daily rainfall is typically 7 mm/day. The sea around the Maldives also had rainfall excess of 100 mm/day. This high rainfall ceased on the 20th and no heavy rainfall was seen in the Maldives since that day. The rainfall observed in the first weeks of May is the highest rainfall received by Northern and Southern islands this year. The first four months had been dry in the Northern Maldives and therefore this rain helped to lessen the cumulative rainfall deficit in this region since last December, Global weather model prediction does not expect any extreme rainfall in the remaining days of this month. The Sea surface around the Maldives and Sri Lanka has become cooler and its Only 0.5 0C above average This had risen up to 1 0C in the previous months while the El Niño was strong. El Nino is now moderate and is expected to become neutral by the end of this month.

Rainfall anomalies in Maldives in Feb 2016. Southern most atolls received above average rainfall while northern most atolls received average rainfall.

 Printable Version of the Full Report (PDF)

---------------------------Inside this Issue------------------------

  1. Monthly Climatology
  2. Rainfall Monitoring
    1. Daily Satellite derived Rainfall Estimates
    2. Monthly Rainfall derived from Satellite Rainfall Estimate
    3. Monthly and Seasonal Monitoring
  3. Ocean Surface Monitoring
  4. Rainfall Predictions
    1. Weekly Predictions from NOAA/NCEP
    2. Seasonal Predictions from IRI