Friday, September 21, 2012

Experimental Climate Monitoring and Prediction for Maldives – September 2012

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Heavier than expected rainfall was observed over the Northern and Central islands of Maldives in the second half of August and the rainfall was diminished in the first two weeks of September. However, these rainfall has not compensated for the sustained drought persisting over the Northern and Central Islands.  Warming sea surfaces around Maldives and the tropical Eastern Pacific Oceans have contributed towards these conditions.  But in South Maldives, where the rainfall deficit over the last year was smaller, the heavier than expected rainfall compensated for the drought conditions to some extent.  

Image: Rainfall in 2012 (black) compared to rainfall in previous 5 years in Northern Maldives

 Image: Rainfall of past 365 days (black) compared to average rainfall in previous 8 years. Note the continuous increase in rainfall deficit.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Climate Change Trust Fund Launched in Maldives

The launch took place with the Vice President delivering the following prepared words.
there were various meeting in Maldives this week

The Climate Change Trust Fund for the Maldives arose out of the work of the previous government in 2010.  The management of the Trust Fund is by the World Bank. The renewable energy program of the previous government seems to have lost funding