Monitored: In October, central islands received up to 120 mm above average rainfall while northern and southern islands received up to 120 mm below average rainfall. Up to 180 mm rainfall received by the central islands is the highest rainfall received in past six years in this region for this period. During the last week of October a decrease in rainfall throughout the country was visible. The sea surface temperature around Maldives and Sri Lanka is up to 0.50C above the seasonal average.
Predictions: IRI seasonal prediction predicts 50% chance of having below average rainfall until the end of 2016. Some El Nino prediction models suggest of weak La Niña conditions as the Pacific SST anomaly is close to -0.50C. Long Range Weather prediction models simulations do not expect heavy rainfall in the next week.
Predictions: IRI seasonal prediction predicts 50% chance of having below average rainfall until the end of 2016. Some El Nino prediction models suggest of weak La Niña conditions as the Pacific SST anomaly is close to -0.50C. Long Range Weather prediction models simulations do not expect heavy rainfall in the next week.
---------------------------Inside this Issue------------------------
- Monthly Climatology
- Rainfall Monitoring
- Daily Satellite derived Rainfall Estimates
- Monthly Rainfall derived from Satellite Rainfall Estimate
- Monthly and Seasonal Monitoring
- Ocean Surface Monitoring
- Rainfall Predictions
- Weekly Predictions from NOAA/NCEP
- Seasonal Predictions from IRI