Northern and central islands did not receive any rainfall during March 2016, but southern islands received around
100 mm rain during this month. In the first weeks of April, around 20 mm rainfall was seen for the first time this year
in northern island. Central and southern islands also received 80- 100 mm rainfall, which is higher compared to
previous months, in April. Rainfall in May is usually higher than in April for all of Maldives. With the weakening of El
Niño conditions, higher rainfall can be expected next month. The global climate models are predicting climatological
rainfall but warmer than climatological temperatures across Maldives.
Rainfall anomalies in Maldives in Feb 2016. Southern most atolls received above average rainfall while northern most atolls received average rainfall. |
---------------------------Inside this Issue------------------------
- Monthly Climatology
- Rainfall Monitoring
- Daily Satellite derived Rainfall Estimates
- Monthly Rainfall derived from Satellite Rainfall Estimate
- Monthly and Seasonal Monitoring
- Ocean Surface Monitoring
- Rainfall Predictions
- Weekly Predictions from NOAA/NCEP
- Seasonal Predictions from IRI