Friday, June 29, 2012

Experimental Climate Monitoring and Prediction for Maldives – June 2012

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Monthly Climatology:

Relatively high rainfall (200 mm – 300 mm) are expected in June, July and August followed by lower rainfall ( less than 150 - 200 mm) in September for Northern islands. For the Central islands, rainfall shall be relatively high in June and July and diminish in August & September. Lower rainfall is normally for the Southern islands during this four months period. The wind over over the Northern & Central islands shall be strongly westerly (from West to East). For Southern islands, the wind speeds are usually lower during this season.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ministry of Housing and Environment - Maldives Contribution at Rio+20 Conference

Press Release on a Side Event at Rio +20 by the Maldivian Ministry of Housing and Environment

With no concrete action taken to date to address climate change at the global level, reducing disaster risk and building resilience is utmost to Maldives and other SIDS. For SIDS, without addressing climate change, there can be no sustainable development, as climate change resilience is a prerequisite for the very existence of our nation states.